Monday, August 1, 2011

7-Eleven's Clubhouse Sandwich

I was wrong when I thought that 7-11 doesn't have sandwiches like Ministop. After a few moments of browsing at 7-Eleven's food shelf, I was surprised to see a Clubhouse Sandwich which is similar to Ministop's version. I purchased a piece and went straight home. I wrote an article last July 9 about Ministop's Clubhouse Sandwhich. Unfortunately, it was just simple food review because I never found a single sandwich available at 7-11 at that time to compare. 
See the difference: 
Ministop's Clubhouse Sandwich
7-Eleven's Clubhouse Sandwich


I'm really hands down on 7-Eleven's clubhouse sandwhich. The ham and cheese slice is bigger. It has better amount of chicken mayo spread. Chicken flakes texture is good. Having written less doesn't mean I have lost an appetite to review this sandwich. It's quite the opposite. I really can't pull off good words to describe how amazed I was to taste and see this sandwich. One thing that's great about 7-Eleven's sandwich, is the greens, which gives off a crunch and delicate blend of veggie taste. It is a sandwich that would give your taste buds a blissful experience for only P27.00.

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