Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cheese Stick

A five inch fritters

Cheese stick lovers out there, beware. Stay away from the location of the food cart that I'm going to mention later. There's nothing inside the lumpia wrapper for your taste buds to enjoy for this particular sample. Only one food cart offers this kind of food along Blumentrit corner EspaƱa and it cost P1 per piece.

Where's my cheese??

Peeling each samples layer after layer of wrapping for that coveted piece of cheese and I found nothing. The uneven red orange color around the cheese stick isn't a melted cheese. It's a powdered cheese used on french fries brushed around the lumpia wrapper before frying. I was hoping that the cheese stick would somehow deliver a bit of saltiness of cheese powder, that, didn't work either. Instead, the cheese tasted sweet, a taste that shouldn't be there. Wow. It's the worst and shortest food review that I ever had.

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